Three Signs You Have a Key Management Problem | InVue
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Three Signs You Have a Key Management Problem

Date: Apr 22 2022
Read Time: 2 minutes

In business, just like in life, it is important to know when you have a problem. And if you are in retail, you know that solving problems before they occur is the key to keeping your customers happy and store operations running smoothly.

While it’s no secret that customers are looking for quick and easy service, there’s a big little problem often getting in the way: your keys.

When you have thousands of SKUs to keep up with, relying on antiquated, traditional retail keys can create problems for your customers and your bottom line.

Learn more about the telltale signs of a key management problem to see if you’re at risk.

1. Long customer waits.

It’s a tale as old as time. A customer needs assistance with locked merchandise and you’re fumbling through a key ring the size of a basketball trying to find the right one. Left waiting for what feels like a lifetime, your customer is now either half asleep or has left due to pure frustration.

2. High replacement costs.

Between employee turnover, compromised, or lost keys—every time the chain of command is broken, you’re left replacing equipment and lock barrels to protect your store from theft.

3. No visibility to associate activity.

Of the many hats a store manager will wear, being a full-time investigator was quite the surprise. Traditional keys and archaic locks create more guesswork and tracking down who has which key and what they are doing has become another full-time job.

Ready for a change?

Learn how InVue combats these common pitfalls with just one key for your entire store.
